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凡卡內是勃艮第有名精品莊園月老莊園的酒商品牌,由月老莊園的現任莊主兼釀酒師Charles Van Canneyt建立於2012年,並以他的名字直接命名。 Charles Van Canneyt出生於1988年,從小浸潤在家族葡萄栽培和釀造事業。 2008年,他從阿公Alain Hudelot手裡接管月老莊園並擔任釀酒師,是勃艮第新一代崛起的釀酒師,對葡萄酒的釀造有著極高的熱情和天分,曾被著名的酒評家Allen Meadows評為勃艮第的超級巨星。 Charles Van Canneyt繼承了Alain Hudelot的傳統風格,尊重風土本身的特點,儘量的减少人為的干預。 而之所以建立酒商品牌的初衷是因為他希望能夠將更多的風土表現出來,這個嘗試在市場受到了非常好的反響,同時因為數量有限,市場往往供不應求,這有些違背Charles的意願,他希望更多喜愛勃艮第葡萄酒的愛好者可以品嘗到。


Better known as the man behind the much-revered Domaine Hudelot-Noëllat, Charles Van Canneyt is one of the biggest rising stars from Burgundy in recent years. Taking over the reigns from this grandfather Alain Hudelot-Noëllat in 2008, he has since attracted great acclaim from critics complemented by high scores. Whilst he followed in the family philosophy of "letting the terroir speak", he made minor improvements by cutting yields, and being more judicious in his use of oak. This, along with his great holdings throughout Burgundy (including simultaneously owning both Richebourg and Romanee St Vivant)  has helped quickly propel the young vigneron into newfound stardom.

This negociant label was born in 2012 out of the vision to make a wine that belongs to himself. "Theyre two completely different things. At the domaine , its family, I work for my grandparents. This [the negociant label], is something [very personal] for me" Canneyt explains. If you are a lover of the domaine, you can expect the same dedication and philosophy of minimal intervention put into making terroir-driven negociant wines too.