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Domaine Hubert Lignier位於莫黑聖但尼(Morey St Denis)村,是一家擁有150年歷史傳承五代的名莊。 但真正讓這家酒莊為人所知的是第四代莊主休伯特(Hubert Lignier),他具備所有老一代勃艮第酒農的“傳統美德”:即使在勃艮第葡萄酒貿易最困難的時刻也沒有放棄脚下的土地,恪守傳統,並堅持把家族酒莊傳承下去。

現莊主Laurent Lignier在2006年接管家族酒莊後一直在父親的幫助下進行釀造,他不僅維持了酒莊的風格,也在過去以集中度、深度結構和陳年潜力見長的基礎上,增添優雅精細花香和華麗柔美質感,同時對各個地塊風土特色的表達也愈發精准出色,儼然一線名家的實力和氣度,在密切關注勃艮第動向的酒評人那裡也獲得了一致的奇高評估。


Domaine Hubert Lignier is a five generations family estate based in the Morey-Saint-Denis.

In 1959, the fourth generation, Hubert Lignier inherited the estate and expanded it over the years through the purchase of new plots or consolidation with neighbors. His expertise in vineyard management and winemaking put this domaine on the map with a series of very impressive vintages. Domaine Hubert Lignier has long had a reputation for its fine wines known for their concentration, depth and structure.

Huberts son, Laurent Ligner took complete control of the domaine from 2006 onwards. He is following his fathers traditional practices to ensure the treasures coming from the familys impressive vineyard holdings continue to exhibit the best of their respective appellations.

Since 2006, the estate has been following organic practices, and in 2016, Laurent initiated the Agriculture Biological certification process, which was officially certified in 2019. Laurent aims to produce "authentic and sensual wines that express their own terroir and have received high acclaim from critics all around the globe.