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金筍莊園歷史悠久,莊園曾在多個擁有者中碾轉,其中讓莊園聲名大噪的當屬勃艮第著名的釀酒大師Gerard Potel。 1964年,Potel是沃爾奈村莊園罐瓶的先行者之一,為控制酒品質量,他對每一個步驟付出了極大的耐心,這一舉措也獲得了消費者極大的信任。 遺憾的是,Potel於1997年不幸逝世,莊園同年有了新主人Patric Landanger。 Patrick靠外科和整形外科手術設備發家,上任後,他不滿意97、98年份的出品,不斷探索釀酒管道和葡萄種植方法,自2005年開始,酒評家和愛好者認為Patrick終於找到了自己的方法,莊園出品恢復甚至超越Gerard時代(出自Clive Coates)。

Patrick身兼莊主、種植者、釀酒師、革新者的身份,投入了大量的資金採用先進科技設備,打造現代化酒窖,並且將多塊超級名園納入麾下。 2018年,Patric的兒子Benoit Landanger繼任了莊主之比特,在繼承莊園之前,已在他父親的指導下在莊園工作多年,毫無疑問已具備管理莊園的能力,並延續和發揚莊園的輝煌。


The history of Pousse dOr in Volnay underscores its influence throughout the ages. In 1855, the winery was part of a larger domaine that included such names as Romanée-Conti and Clos de Tart. Originally called La Bousse dOr (Bousse, in old French, means earth; thus, golden earth), the Domaine changed owners a number of times until legend Gérard Potel took the reins. It was Potel that put the estates wines on the map, with the elegant, refined style that Pousse dOr is still known for today.

Since 1997, Patrick Landanger has owned the estate. He has made significant investments both in the vines and in the vinification and aging facilities. In 2013, Benoît,his son started to helpe him with the winemaking. Their ambitions in term of quality are reflected in the deep respect for the terroirs they work. Biodynamic certification will complete this choice.In 2018, Patrick gave way to Benoît for the management of the Domaine de la Pousse D’Or. Also an engineer by training, he shares the same vision in terms of quality and whishes to continue in this process of seeking excellence !At ease with the language of Shakespeare, he travels the globe with an approach that aims to share his passion for great Burgundy wines throughout the world !